If you are looking for a way to have longer, fuller eyelashes without wearing falsies or spending a lot of money on lash extensions, then Revitalash Eyelash Serum is for you! This product was developed by an ophthalmologist to help his wife who was undergoing chemotherapy treatment and as a result, had lost her own lashes. The serum is applied once a day with a brush applicator and works to stimulate lash growth over time.

In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to apply the Revitalash Eyelash Serum so that you can achieve the best results.

  • Before applying the serum, make sure to remove any makeup or dirt from your lashes
  • You can do this with a cotton ball soaked in gentle cleanser
  • Apply a small amount of the serum to the base of your upper lashes, using the applicator brush that comes with the product
  • Avoid getting any in your eye
  • Allow the serum to dry for a few minutes before applying mascara or other products to your lashes
  • Use the serum once daily for best results
  • You should see an improvement in lash length and thickness within a few weeks of regular use

RevitaLash Advanced Q&A | RevitaLash Cosmetics

Do You Put Revitalash on Lashes Or Skin?

If you want to get the most out of your RevitaLash product, it is important to apply it correctly. The short answer is that you should apply RevitaLash directly to your lashes, not to your skin. Here’s a more detailed explanation of why this is the best way to use RevitaLash, and how to do it properly.

When you apply RevitaLash directly to your lashes, the active ingredients are able to work more effectively. This is because they don’t have to travel through the skin before reaching the lashes, which can reduce their efficacy. In addition, applying RevitaLash directly to the lashes ensures that none of the product is wasted on areas where it won’t be effective.

To apply RevitaLash correctly, start by removing any makeup or debris from your lashes with a gentle cleanser. Then, using the applicator brush that comes with the product, apply a small amount of RevitaLash evenly along your lash line. Be sure not to get any in your eyes!

Allow the product to dry completely before applying mascara or other eye makeup. For best results, use RevitaLash once or twice daily.

How Do You Apply Revitalash Lashes?

If you are looking to add a little extra something to your look, RevitaLash lashes are the perfect way to do it. They are easy to apply and give your eyes a beautiful, natural look. Here is how you can apply them:

1. Begin by curling your natural lashes with an eyelash curler. This will help the RevitaLash lashes blend in better. 2. Next, take the lash strip and hold it up to your eye to measure where you need to cut it.

The strip should start at the outer corner of your eye and end just before the inner corner. Cut the strip accordingly. 3. Apply a thin layer of lash glue along the length of the strip, making sure not to get any on your skin.

Wait about 30 seconds for the glue to become tacky before applying the strip. 4 . Starting at the outer corner of your eye, place the strip on your lash line and press down gently until it is secure.

How Many Times a Day Do You Use Revitalash?

If you’re like most people, you probably use RevitaLash a few times a day. Maybe you use it in the morning to help wake up your eyes, or in the evening to help relax your eyes before bed. But how often should you actually be using RevitaLash?

And is there such a thing as using it too much? Here’s what you need to know about using RevitaLash: How Often Should You Use RevitaLash?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as everyone’s individual needs will vary. However, most experts recommend using RevitaLash at least once a day, preferably twice a day. This will help ensure that your lashes stay healthy and looking their best.

If you only use RevitaLash occasionally, they may not get the full benefit of its nutrients and conditioning properties. Is There Such A Thing As Using Too Much RevitaLash? No, there is no such thing as using too much Revitalize Lash.

In fact, if used as directed, it is impossible to overuse this product. So feel free to use it as often as you’d like!

Do You Apply Revitalash to Lower Lashes?

RevitaLash is a great product for both upper and lower lashes. Many people find that their lower lashes are more difficult to grow, so using a product like RevitaLash can help give them a boost. When applying to lower lashes, be sure to use a very light hand and only apply the product to the tips of the lashes.

You don’t want to get any in the eye, so it’s best to err on the side of caution.

How to Apply Revitalash Eyelash Serum

Credit: www.coveringbases.com

How to Apply Revitalash to Lower Lashes

If you are looking for a way to make your lower lashes look fuller and longer, then you may want to consider using Revitalash. This product is designed to help improve the appearance of your lashes and can be used on both the upper and lower lash line. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply Revitalash to lower lashes:

1. Start by gently cleansing your lashes with a mild cleanser. This will help remove any dirt or makeup that could prevent the Revitalash from adhering properly. 2. Next, apply a small amount of the Revitalash serum to the base of your lower lashes.

Be sure to avoid getting any in your eye! 3. Using an eyeliner brush or Q-tip, carefully coat each individual lash with the serum. 4. Allow the serum to dry for a few minutes before applying mascara as normal.

How to Apply Revitalash Eyebrow

Are you looking for a way to add some extra definition and shape to your eyebrows? If so, you may want to consider using Revitalash. This product is specifically designed to help improve the appearance of your eyebrows, and in this article, we’ll show you how to apply it for best results.

Before applying Revitalash, it’s important that you make sure your eyebrows are clean and free of any makeup or other products. To do this, simply use a cotton swab or soft cloth dipped in warm water to gently remove any residue. Once your eyebrows are clean, dry them off completely before proceeding.

Next, take the Revitalash applicator and dip it into the product. Then, starting at the inner corner of your eyebrow, apply a thin line of the product along your brow bone. Be careful not to get too close to the lash line – you don’t want the product getting into your eyes!

Continue applying until you reach the outer corner of your eyebrow. Once you’ve applied an even layer of Revitalash across both eyebrows, allow it to dry for 1-2 minutes before moving on. After it’s dry, you can go ahead and apply your usual makeup routine as normal – there’s no need to worry about the product smudging or running.

And that’s all there is to it! Applying Revitalash is quick and easy, and with regular use, you should see an improvement in the overall appearance of your eyebrows in no time. So why not give it a try today?

Revitalash Side Effects

If you’re considering using Revitalash, it’s important to be aware of the potential side effects. While most people don’t experience any problems, some have reported experiencing the following side effects: – Itching and redness around the eyes

– Increased sensitivity to light – Darkening of the eyelashes – Dryness of the eyes

– Flaking or crusting of the eyelashes If you do experience any of these side effects, it’s important to discontinue use and consult with your doctor.


If you are looking for a way to enhance your eyelashes, you may want to consider using Revitalash Eyelash Serum. This product can help to give you longer, thicker, and more luscious lashes in just a few weeks of use. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply this serum so that you can get the best results.

First, make sure that your lashes are clean and free of any makeup or debris. Next, take the applicator wand and dip it into the serum. Gently swipe the wand along your upper lash line, starting from the inner corner of your eye and working outwards.

Repeat this process on your lower lash line. Allow the serum to dry completely before applying any mascara or other cosmetic products. With regular use, you should start to see noticeable results within 4-6 weeks!