If you have eyelash extensions, it is important to know how to take care of them so they last. Here are some tips on how to maintain your lash extensions at home: First, be gentle when cleansing your face and avoid using oil-based products near your eyes.

You can use a mild cleanser and a cotton pad to remove any makeup or dirt around your lash line. Be careful not to rub or pull on your lashes as this can cause them to fall out prematurely. Second, use a Lash brush daily to keep your lashes clean and free of debris.

Gently comb through your lashes from root to tip. This will also help them stay looking full and voluminous. Third, avoid using waterproof mascara as this can be difficult to remove and may damage the lash extension adhesive.

If you must use mascara, opt for a water-based formula that can be easily removed with a Lash brush or makeup remover. Finally, get regular touch-ups every 2-3 weeks to keep your lash extensions looking their best. This will help fill in any gaps where lashes have shed naturally and keep them looking full and fluttery.

  • Gently cleanse your lashes every day with a lash-specific cleanser and a soft bristled brush to remove dirt, makeup, and oil build up
  • Avoid using waterproof mascara or any product with oils as they will break down the bond of the adhesive
  • Be careful when applying makeup around your lash line, avoiding getting any on the extensions themselves
  • Use a cotton swab to carefully remove any accidental product
  • Sleep on your back with an extra pillow to keep your head elevated and off of your lashes to prevent them from getting squished during the night
  • Brush through your lashes daily with a clean spoolie brush to keep them looking neat and tidy

How Do I Keep My Eyelash Extensions Good?

If you’ve decided to get eyelash extensions, congratulations! Eyelash extensions are a great way to enhance your natural beauty and give yourself a little pick-me-up. They can be worn for any occasion, from a casual day at work to a black-tie gala.

Plus, they don’t require any special care or maintenance once they’re applied – just sit back and enjoy your fabulous new lashes! However, there are a few things you should keep in mind if you want your lash extensions to look their best. Here are our top tips for keeping your eyelash extensions looking good:

1. Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes. This can cause the lashes to fall out prematurely or become damaged. If you must touch your eyes, be very gentle.

2. Be careful when using oil-based products around your eyes, such as makeup removers or facial cleansers. Oil can break down the adhesive bond between the extension and your natural lash, causing them to fall out prematurely. Instead, opt for water-based products that won’t damage the adhesive bond.

3. Avoid getting water on your lashes immediately after having them applied. It’s best to wait at least 12 hours before getting them wet so that the adhesive has time to set properly. After that initial waiting period, feel free to swim, shower and exercise as normal – just avoid letting water directly hit your lashes until it’s time for them to be removed (more on that below).

4 . When cleaning your face or applying/removing makeup , take extra care around your lash line . Use a cotton swab or Q-tip dipped in micellar water instead of harsh cleansers , which could irritate delicate skin around the eye area .

Gently wipe away any makeup residue with a clean swab , being careful not tug or pull at the lashes themselves . 5 Get regular touch – ups ! Even if you take impeccable care of your eyelash extensions , they will eventually need to be replaced as natural shedding occurs . We recommend getting touch – ups every 2 – 3 weeks to maintain fullness and prevent gaps from forming . 6 Know when it ‘ s time for them t o come off .

How Do You Take Care of Eyelash Extensions at Home?

If you have eyelash extensions, congrats! You now have long and luscious lashes that will make your eyes pop. But with great power comes great responsibility, and now you must take care of your lash extensions to ensure they last.

Here are a few tips on how to take care of your lash extensions at home: 1. Be gentle when cleansing your face – When washing your face or applying makeup, be sure to use only oil-free products and avoid rubbing or pulling on the lashes. This can cause them to fall out prematurely.

Instead, gently wipe the area around the eyes clean with a cotton pad or washcloth. 2. Don’t get them wet for at least 24 hours after application – After getting lash extensions applied, give them time to properly adhere before getting them wet. That means no showering, sweating, swimming or crying for at least 24 hours.

Once they’re set, you can go about your normal activities but be mindful not to rub or pull on the lashes excessively. 3 . Use a Lash Brush – Gently brush through your lashes daily with a clean mascara wand or lash brush to keep them looking neat and tidy.

This also helps prevent clumping and prolongs their lifespan. 4 . Avoid using Oil-based Products – Oil-based products such as moisturizers, serums and makeup removers can break down the adhesive bond holding your lash extensions in place causing them to fall out prematurely.

Water-based products are best used around the eye area when you have lash extensions.. If an oil-based product is absolutely necessary , just be sure not to get it directly on the lashes themselves .

Also avoid using waterproof mascara as this can be difficult to remove without damaging the delicate lashes . 5 . Get Touchups Every 2-3 Weeks – Just like our natural hair , our eyelashes have a growth cycle so they will naturally shed over time taking some of the Extensions with them .

How Do You Take Care of Eyelashes After Eyelash Extensions?

If you’ve just gotten eyelash extensions, congratulations! They can really enhance your beauty and give your eyes a little extra “pop.” But now that you have them, it’s important to take care of them properly so they last as long as possible.

Here are some tips on how to take care of your new lashes: 1. Avoid getting them wet for at least 12 hours after application. This gives the glue time to set and ensures that your lashes will stay in place longer.

So no showers, swimming, or crying (we know, we know) for at least 12 hours! 2. Be careful when brushing them. You don’t want to be too rough and pull out any of the lashes prematurely.

Gently brush through them with a clean mascara wand or an eyelash comb to keep them tidy and separated. 3. Don’t use oil-based products around your eyes. This includes makeup removers, moisturizers, etc.

Oil can break down the glue that holds your lash extensions in place, causing them to fall out prematurely. Stick to water-based products instead. 4 .

Be mindful of what activities you do while wearing lash extensions . things like saunas , steam rooms , working out , or even just sleeping on your stomach can cause premature shedding . So if you want your lashes to last , avoid these activities if possible .

5 Schedule touch – ups every 2-4 weeks Lash extensions typically last about 2-4 weeks before needing to be replaced . Depending on how quickly your natural lashes grow and shed , you may need touch – ups more or less frequently 6 Enjoy your fabulous new lashes ! Now that you know how to take care of them , you can enjoy having long , luscious lashes !

How Do I Wash My Face With Eyelash Extensions?

If you have eyelash extensions, you need to be careful when washing your face. Here are some tips on how to wash your face without damaging your lashes: 1. Use a gentle cleanser – Avoid using harsh cleansers or scrubbing your face too vigorously.

This can cause the lash adhesive to weaken and your lashes to fall out prematurely. Instead, use a gentle foaming cleanser or micellar water on a cotton pad to remove makeup and dirt from around your eyes. 2. Be careful when applying pressure – When cleansing or applying moisturizer around your eyes, be sure not to put too much pressure on the area where your lash extensions are attached.

This can again cause the adhesive to loosen and result in lash loss. Gently pat the skin around your eyes instead of rubbing it. 3. Use oil-free products – Oily products can break down the bond between the extension and natural lash, causing them to fall out prematurely.

Choose oil-free cleansers, moisturizers, and makeup products whenever possible. If you do use an oil-based product (like an eye cream), apply it very carefully so that it doesn’t get on the part of your lashes where the extension is glued on.

How to Take Care of Eyelash Extensions After Shower

If you have eyelash extensions, it’s important to take extra care of them to keep them looking their best. Here are a few tips for taking care of your lash extensions after showering: 1. Avoid getting water on your lashes for the first 24 hours after they are applied.

After that, you can gently splash water on your face without getting directly under the shower stream or rubbing your eyes. 2. When shampooing and conditioning, avoid getting any products on your lashes. You can either close your eyes while washing your hair, or tilt your head back and to the side.

3. Be careful when towel drying your face – pat dry instead of rubbing. Again, this will help avoid damaging or loosening the lash extensions. 4. Use a clean mascara brush to lightly brush through your lashes each day – this will help prevent clumping and keep them looking fluffy and full.

5. Avoid using oil-based makeup removers or cleansers, as these can break down the adhesive used to apply the lash extensions.

How to Wash Face With Eyelash Extensions

If you have eyelash extensions, it is important to be careful when washing your face. You don’t want to get the extensions wet or rub them too hard, as this can cause them to fall out. Here are some tips on how to wash your face with eyelash extensions:

1. Use a gentle cleanser. A foaming cleanser is usually best, as it will help remove any makeup or dirt without being too harsh on the lashes. Avoid using a scrub or anything with exfoliating beads, as this can damage the extensions.

2. Wet a clean washcloth with warm water and gently press it against your face to remove any makeup or dirt. Be sure not to rub the cloth too harshly against your skin or lashes. 3. Apply cleanser to your face and use your fingertips pads of fingers in a circular motion around your entire face avoiding contact with lash line .

Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Gently pat dry with a clean towel taking care not to rub harshly . 4 Splash cool water on face and close eyes tightly while blinking several times allowing water to rinse over lash line

How to Take Care of Eyelash Extensions When Sleeping

If you’re lucky enough to have long, luscious eyelashes, you might be thinking about getting lash extensions. Lash extensions are a great way to enhance your natural beauty and give you the appearance of having longer, fuller lashes. However, if you’ve never had them before, you might be wondering how to take care of your new lashes when sleeping.

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your lash extensions and keep them looking their best: 1. Avoid using oil-based products around your eyes. This includes makeup removers, cleansers, and moisturizers.

Oil can break down the bond between the extension and your natural lash, causing them to fall out prematurely. Instead, opt for water-based products that are specifically designed for use with lash extensions. 2. Gently brush your lashes with a clean mascara wand before bedtime.

This will help remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated on your lashes during the day. It also helps distribute the natural oils from your skin evenly throughout your lashes, which can help keep them healthy and hydrated. 3. Sleep on your back whenever possible.

Sleeping on your side or stomach can cause your lashes to rub against the pillow and become tangled or matted overnight. If you must sleep on your stomach or side, try placing a silk pillowcase underneath you to reduce friction against your lashes. 4 .

Be careful when washing your face . Avoid using hot water as this can cause damage to both your natural lashes and lash extensions . Stick to lukewarm water instead , being careful not to get any soap or cleanser in y our eyes .

Gently pat dry with a clean towel afterwards . 5 . Don ’ t pull on or rub y our eyes excessively as this can also lead t o damaging y our eye area , including y ourlash extensions . Following these simple tips will help ensure that y ourlash extensions last longerand remain looking gorgeous !

Eyelash Extension Care Rules

If you’re one of the many people who have decided to get eyelash extensions, congratulations! You’re about to embark on a journey that will give you longer, thicker, and more luscious lashes than you ever thought possible. But before you can enjoy your new look, there are a few things you need to know about how to take care of your lash extensions.

Here are some eyelash extension care rules to follow: 1. Avoid getting them wet for the first 24 hours. This includes showering, swimming, sweating, and sleeping face-down.

Water can weaken the adhesive bond between your natural lash and the extension, causing them to fall out prematurely. So give your lashes time to set before exposing them to any moisture. 2. Be gentle when cleaning them.

When it’s time to wash your face, use a very mild cleanser on a cotton pad and gently swipe it over your lash line. Avoid using anything oil-based around your eyes as it can break down the adhesive bond. And never pull or rub your lashes vigorously – be gentle!

3. Don’t pick or play with them. Your hands contain natural oils that can transfer onto your lashes and break down the adhesive bond. Plus, picking at your lashes is just asking for trouble – they could come out completely!

If you have an itch or something feels off, speak to your lash technician so they can fix it without damaging your extensions.


If you’re one of the many people who have decided to get eyelash extensions, congratulations! They can be a beautiful addition to your look. But once you have them, it’s important to know how to properly maintain them so they last as long as possible.

Here are a few tips: – Avoid getting them wet for the first 24 hours after application. After that, take care not to rub your eyes or use oil-based products near your lashes, as this can break down the glue and cause your extensions to fall out prematurely.

– Be gentle when brushing your lashes. Use a soft bristled brush and lightly stroke from side to side; avoid scrubbing or pulling at them. – Get regular touch-ups every 2-3 weeks.

This will help fill in any gaps where natural lashes have fallen out and keep your overall look fresh. With just a little bit of care, you can enjoy your eyelash extensions for weeks on end!